

 講義計画(pdf file: 別のウィンドウが開きます)

 第1章から第3章の資料 (4月9日掲載)
 第4章から第6章の資料 (4月9日掲載)

The following web pages provide guidelines for referees, those of 
which are useful to write your final report. (April 18) 
Canadian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal.

(Announcement: The 7th of June)
You need to choose a paper published in a journal above IJIO (the 93rd).

The classes hold on  
April 12, 19, 26, 
May 10, 17, 24, 31, (N.B. I immediately leave after the class on 5/24), 
June 7, 14, 21, 28, 
July 5, 12, 19, 26. 

I put the material (zip.file) which is used on May 10 and 17. 
First, I explain the basic model of Ishibashi and Matsushima (2009).
The published version is used.
Second, I explain how the introduction of IM changed from an earlier 
version to the first submission. 
IM-rand.pdf, IM-MS-in_preparation.pdf, and IM-MS-first.pdf are used.
The zip file includes 
the replies to the first and the second decisions 
(7119-letter.pdf, 7119-2-letter.pdf),
the decision letters on IM 
(71190-first_round_decision.pdf, 71191-second_round_decision.pdf,
the second and the third versions of IM 
(IM-MS-second.pdf, IM-MS-third.pdf).

Ishibashi and Matsushima (2009, Marketing Science)
Pan (in press, Canadian Journal of Economics) (pdf file) (CJE web)
Choe, King, and Matsushima (in press, Management Science)
Narasimhan and Turut (2013, Marketing Science)

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