Published and forthcoming papers (refereed, international)
- The bright side of the GDPR: Welfare-improving privacy management, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1246, 2024 (an old version: SSRN 4537982, 2023) (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe and Shiva Shekhar), accepted at Management Science.
- The interaction between personalized pricing and multi-item purchases: A random utility model approach, (co-authored with Qiuyu Lu) Economics Letters, Vol. 247, Article 112113, 2025
- Personalized pricing when consumers can purchase multiple items, (ISER DP No.1192R, 2023), (co-authored with Qiuyu Lu), Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 72, Iss. 4, pp. 1507-1524, 2024.
- How does downstream firms' efficiency affect exclusive supply agreements?, (accepted version), (The technical appendix), (Old version, 2013)) (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato), Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 64, Iss. 2, pp. 219-242, 2024.
- Personalized pricing with heterogeneous mismatch costs, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1184, 2022, (accepted version), (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno and Cong Pan), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 70, Iss. 2, pp. 369-388, 2023.
- A note on conglomerate mergers: The Google/Fitbit case, (Free access link before 17 August 2023) (accepted version), (co-authored with Akihiko Nakagawa), Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 67, Article 101203, 2023.
- Defending home against giants: Exclusive dealing as a survival strategy for local firms, ISER DP 1122R, 2021 (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato), Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 71, Iss. 2, pp. 441-463, 2023.
- Which is better for durable goods producers, exclusive or open supply chain?, (accepted version), ISER DP 1115, 2021 (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 32, Iss. 1, pp. 158-176, 2023.
- The impacts of suppliers and mutual outsourcing on organizational forms, (accepted version) ISER DP, 1155, 2021 (co-authored with Yasuhiro Arai), Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 56, Iss. 1, pp. 114-132, 2023.
- Demand uncertainty, product differentiation, and entry timing under spatial competition, (ISER-DP 1007R, 2018), (co-authored with Takeshi Ebina and Katsumasa Nishide), European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 303, Iss. 1, pp. 286-297, 2022.
- Behavior-based personalized pricing: When firms can share customer information (accepted version), (the version (2022) referred in the accepted version) (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe and Mark J. Tremblay), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 82, Article 102846, 2022 (IJIO 2023 Winner).
- Negative effect of price matching policy on traditional retailers in a dual-channel supply chain with different content formats (accepted version), (previous title: Competition between physical and electronic content retailers (ISER DP-1123, 2021)), (co-authored with Yuta Kittaka and Fuyuki Saruta), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 161, Article 102682, 2022.
- Data-driven mergers and personalization, ISER Discussion Paper: ISER DP 1108R, 2021 (co-authored with Zhijun Chen, Chongwoo Choe, and Jiajia Cong), RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 53, Iss. 1, pp. 3-31, 2022.
- Organizational structure and technological investment, ISER DP 1069RR, 2020, (ISER DP 1069, 2019, (co-authored with Inés Macho-Stadler and Ryusuke Shinohara) Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 69, Iss. 4, pp. 785-816, 2021.
- Behavior-based price discrimination and product choice, ISER DP 1079, 2020 (which includes The technical appendix), 2020 (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe), Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 58, Iss. 2, pp. 263-273, 2021.
- Competition between offline and online retailers with heterogeneous customers, ISER DP 1056, 2019 (co-authored with Stefano Colombo), (previous title: Lowering customer costs in competition between physical and internet retailers:
does it always pay?), Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 57, Iss. 3, pp. 647-664, 2020.
- Competitive personalized pricing (which was presented at several workshops under the title "Competitive personalized pricing with sophisticated consumers"), ISER-DP 1023, 2018 (co-authored with Zhijun Chen and Chongwoo Choe) Management Science, Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 4003-4023, 2020 (cited in the background note (pdf) of Personalised Pricing in the Digital Era - OECD, the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority)
- Pre-negotiation commitment and internalization in public good provision through bilateral negotiations, (ISER DP 948R, 2017, SSRN Version, 2019), Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 175, pp. 84-93, 2019, (co-authored with Ryusuke Shinohara).
- Pricing with cookies: Behavior-based price discrimination and spatial competition, (WP version, 2017-07), Management Science, Vol. 64, Iss. 12, pp. 5669-5687, 2018, (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe and Stephen P. King), (cited in the background note (pdf) of Personalised Pricing in the Digital Era - OECD, the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority).
- The countervailing power hypothesis when dominant retailers function as sales promoters, (ISER DP 0981R, 2017), Manchester School, Vol. 86, Iss. 5, pp. 665-680, 2018, (co-authored with Shohei Yoshida).
- Strategic investment under competition for access provision (the former title "Competition for access provision: Infrastructure upgrades with spillovers," 2015), Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 42, Iss. 2, pp. 127-144, 2018, (co-authored with Keizo Mizuno).
- Exclusive contracts with complementary inputs, (ISER DP 918R, 2015, Revised version (2017), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 56, pp. 145-167, 2018, (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato).
- Expanding distribution channels, (ISER DP 958, 2016), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 24, Iss. 3-4, pp. 464-484, 2017.
- Exclusive contracts and bargaining power. (ISER DP 978, 2016), Economics Letters, Vol. 151, pp. 1-3, 2017, (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato).
- Should firms employ personalized pricing?, (ISER DP 869, 2013), the Appendix (not for publication), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 24, Iss. 4, pp. 887-903, 2015,(co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Product differentiation and entry timing in a continuous time spatial competition model, (ISER DP 915, 2014), European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 247, Iss. 3, pp. 904-913, 2015, (co-authored with Takeshi Ebina and Daisuke Shimizu).
- The effects of resale-below-cost laws in the presence of a strategic manufacturer, (ISER DP 875, 2013), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 13, Iss. 1, pp. 59-91, 2015, (co-authored with Akira Miyaoka).
- Multimarket linkages, Trade, and the productivity puzzle, (ISER DP 797, 2010), Review of International Economics, Vol. 23, Iss. 1, pp. 1-13, 2015, (co-authored with Laixun Zhao).
- How does market size affect vertical structure when considering vertical coordination? Application to the railway industry, (ISER DP 820, 2011), Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 657-676, 2014, (co-authored with Fumitoshi Mizutani).
- What factors determine the number of trading partners?, (ISER DP 808, 2011; Discussion Paper at Shinshu U, 2008), (Web Appendix), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 106, No. 1, pp. 428-441, 2014, (co-authored with Ryusuke Shinohara).
- Port privatization in an international oligopoly, (ISER DP 864, 2013), Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 382-397, 2014, (co-authored with Kazuhiro Takauchi).
- Environmental regulation and technology transfers, (ISER DP 862, 2012), Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 889-904, 2014 (co-authored with Takao Asano).
- The welfare effects of third-degree price discrimination in a differentiated oligopoly, (ISER DP 800, 2011), Economic Inquiry, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 1231-1244, 2014 (co-authored with Takanori Adachi).
- Multi-market competition, R&D, and welfare in oligopoly, (A previous version, ISER DP-796, 2010), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 803-815, 2014 (co-authored with Akio Kawasaki and Ming Hsin Lin).
- Horizontal mergers, firm heterogeneity, and R&D investments, (ISER DP 754, 2009), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Topics), Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 959-990, 2013 (co-authored with Yasuhiro Sato and Kazuhiro Yamamoto).
- Vertical separation as a defense against strong suppliers, (ISER DP 755, 2009), European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 228, Iss. 1, pp. 208-216, 2013 (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno).
- Competitiveness and R&D competition revisited, (ISER DP 752, 2009), Economic Modelling, Vol. 31, Iss. 1, pp. 541-547, 2013 (co-authored with Susumu Cato and Toshihiro Matsumura).
- The arm's length principle and tacit collusion, Discussion Paper Version, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 31, Iss. 1, pp. 119-130, 2013, (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe).
- Competitiveness and stability of collusive behavior, (Supplemental material), Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 64, Iss. Supplement s1, pp. s22-s31, 2012, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Why do large firms tend to integrate vertically? Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 64, Iss. Supplement s1, pp. s1-s21, 2012, (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno).
- Airport privatization and international competition, (A previous version, ISER DP-792, 2010), Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 63, Iss. 4, pp. 431-450, 2012 (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Should public sectors be complements of private sectors?, (A previous version, 2008), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 168, No. 4, pp. 712-729, 2012, (co-authored with Ikuo Ishibashi).
- Profit-enhancing know-how disclosure: A strategic view, (A previous version, 2008), supplementary material, Manchester School, Vol. 80, Iss. 5, pp. 560-579, 2012, (co-authored with Susumu Ogawa).
- Locating outside a linear city can benefit consumers, (A previous version, ISER DP-761, 2009), Journal of Regional Science,, Vol. 52, Iss. 3, pp 420-432, 2012, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Equilibrium vertical integration with complementary input markets, (A previous version, ISER DP-770, 2010), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 12: Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 26, 2012, (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno).
- Profit enhancing competitive pressure in vertically related industries, (A previous version, 2009), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 26, no. 1, pp 142-152, 2012, (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno).
- Welfare properties of strategic R&D investments in Hotelling models, Economics Letters, Vol. 115, no. 3, pp 465-468, 2012, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Spatial Cournot competition and transportation costs in a circular city, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 48, no. 1, pp 33-44, 2012, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Market competition, R&D and firm profits in asymmetric oligopoly, (A previous version, 2008), Journal of Industrial Economics,, Vol. 59, no. 3, pp 484-505, 2011, (co-authored with Junichiro Ishida and Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Collusion, agglomeration, and heterogeneity of firms, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 72, no. 1, pp 306-313, 2011, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- When small firms fight back against large firms in R&D activities (A previous version, ISER DP-742, 2009), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10, Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 81, 2010, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Profit enhancing parallel imports, Open Economies Review, Vol. 21, no. 3, pp 433-447, 2010, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Location equilibrium with asymmetric firms: the role of licensing, Journal of Economics, Vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 267-276, 2010, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura and Giorgos Stamatopoulos).
- Privatization and entries of foreign enterprises in a differentiated industry, Journal of Economics, Vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 203-219, 2009, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura and Ikuo Ishibashi).
- Does yardstick regulation really work? Empirical evidence from Japan's rail industry. Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 308-323, 2009, (co-authored with Fumitoshi Mizutani and Hideo Kozumi).
- Vertical mergers and product differentiation, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 812-834, 2009.
- Should civil servants be restricted in wage bargaining? A mixed-duopoly approach, the supplemental material. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 93, nos. 3-4, pp. 634-646, 2009, (co-authored with Junichiro Ishida).
- The existence of low-end firms may help high-end firms, Marketing Science, Vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 136-147, 2009, (co-authored with Ikuo Ishibashi).
- Cost differentials and mixed strategy equilibria in a Hotelling model, supplementary figures, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 215-234, 2009, (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura).
- Price ceilings, product location, and welfare, Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, no. 3, pp. 233-253, 2008.
- Congestion-reducing investments and economic welfare in a Hotelling model, Economics Letters, Vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 161-167, 2007. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Uncertainty of voters' preferences and differentiation in a runoff system, the supplementary material, European Journal of Political Economy,Vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1185-1189, 2007.
- Industry profits and free entry in input markets, Economics Letters, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 329-336, 2006.
- Mixed Oligopoly, Foreign Firms, and Location Choice, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 753-772, 2006. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- FDI may help rival firms, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 6 no. 22 pp. 1-8, 2005. (co-authored with Junichiro Ishida)
- Cartel stability in a delivered pricing oligopoly", Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 259-292, 2005. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Technology of upstream firms and equilibrium product differentiation, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 22, Nos. 8-9, pp. 1091-1114, 2004.
- Endogenous cost differentials between public and private enterprises: a mixed duopoly approach, Economica, vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 671-688, 2004. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- A non-cooperative analysis of a circular city model, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 575-589, 2004. (co-authored with Junichiro Ishida)
- Mixed oligopoly and spatial agglomeration, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 62-87, 2003. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Mixed duopoly with product differentiation: sequential choice of location, Australian Economic Papers, vol. 42, No. 1, pp 18- 34, 2003. (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Cournot competition and spatial agglomeration revisited, Economics Letters, vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 175-177, 2001.
- Horizontal mergers and merger waves in a location model, Australian Economic Papers, vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 263-286, 2001.
Published papers in Japanese / non-journal articles
- Heterogeneity and number of players in rent-seeking, innovation, and patent-race games (Older version: Working paper at Niigata U.), in Equilibrium Theory for Cournot Oligopolies and Related Games: Essays in Honour of Koji Okuguchi (Springer Series in Game Theory), 2016, (co-authored with Takeshi Yamazaki).
- Koshoryoku wo naiseika shitamotodeno kumiaikatsudo no bunseki, Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, 200(2), 57-66, 2009. (In Japanese) (co-authored with Junichiro Ishida)
- Hiyo no Fukakujitsusei to seihin tokusei no kankei, Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, 196(4), 19-31, 2007. (In Japanese) (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
- Kakaku no jougen kisei to kigyou no seisan tokka, Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu, 56(3,4), 135-145, 2007. (In Japanese)
- Endogenous timing of long-term and short-term contracts with technological compatibility, Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu, 55(3,4), 65-92, 2003.
- Hampu-ken to chuko sofuto hambai mondai, Shakai Kagaku kenkyu, 51(3), 135-151, 2000. (In Japanese)
- Sosho Kakuritu to Hanketu no Yoken Kanousei, Finacial Review 49 , 91-113, 1999. (In Japanese) (co-authored with Toshihiro Matsumura)
Unpublished papers
- Infrastructure upgrades and foreclosure with coexistence of service-based and facility-based firms, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 860, 2012, (co-authored with Keizo Mizuno).
- Strategic dual sourcing as a driver for free revealing of innovation, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 936, 2015 (co-authored with Laixun Zhao).
This Discussion Paper is divided into the following two papers:
1. Technology spillovers and outside options in a bilateral duopoly, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1039, 2018 (co-authored with Laixun Zhao).
2. Market expansion may harm the supplier in a bilateral monopoly, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1040, 2018 (co-authored with Laixun Zhao).
- Outsourcing,input compatibility, and product positioning (former title Strategic perils of outsourcing: Sourcing strategy and product positioning (ISER-DP 983, 2016)), 2019 (co-authored with Cong Pan).
- Naked exclusion under exclusive-offer competition, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1021, 2018 (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato).
- A manufacturer's incentive to open its direct channel and its impact on welfare, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1026, 2018 (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno and Cong Pan).
- Supplier encroachment and retailer effort, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1027, 2018 (co-authored with Tomomichi Mizuno).
- The effect of the dominant supplier's exclusive dealing on its investment and welfare, 2020 (co-authored with Arijit Mukherjee and Shohei Yoshida).
- Lease or sale: When a durable goods monopolist can choose supply chain's openness, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1127, 2021 (co-authored with Hiroshi Kitamura and Misato Sato).
- The countervailing power hypothesis and contingent contracts, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1191, 2022 (co-authored with Shohei Yoshida).
- The effects of personal data management on competition and welfare, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1201, 2023 (co-authored with Jiajia Cong), under major revision for a refereed journal.
- Strategic anonymity and behavior-based pricing, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1219, 2023 (co-authored with Stefano Colombo and Paolo G. Garella).
- Welfare implications of personalized pricing in competitive platform markets: The role of network effects CESifo Working Paper No. 10994, 2024 (co-authored with Qiuyu Lu and Shiva Shekhar), the 2nd round major revision for a refereed journal.
- Network compatibility and incumbent pricing regimes, ISER Osaka University Discussion Paper: No. 1265 2024 (co-authored with Mark J. Tremblay).
- Privacy regulations, consumer empowerment, and versioning, Monash Economics Working Papers: 2025-3, 2024 (co-authored with Chongwoo Choe, Jiajia Cong, and Shiva Shekhar).
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